Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Mallory Moment..

This story was related to me by Kris Pence, a friend and Mallory's boss when she worked at Smith Rexall Drug a couple of summer's ago.

The Washing Machine Story
Mallory and her companion got up early on their P-day to be the first one's to do their laundry. So they ran down there and put in their laundry. Later, Mal took a break from letter writing and went to the laundry room to make the clothing switch. She quickly switched machines and went back to her room. Later still, she goes back to get her clean clothes...they are still wet. What?!? You can all imagine Mallory's puzzled look, so she pops in a few more quarters and as soon as the machine starts going, she realizes that when she switched machines she put her clothes into another WASHING MACHINE. So now her clothes are going through their third wash. To Quote Mallory..."They are triple clean".


notaconnoisseur said...

I saw Sam at the bookstore today and she sent me your blog address. I am looking forward to reading about your adventures. Good luck and Merry Christmas. With love, Elaine Fry

kjbready said...

and Mallory, how long did you say you have been living away from home? 3 years???? I can't believe you washed your clothes 3 times! Sounds like something I would have done. HOpe you arrived in Italy safely and that you are feeling better. Your mom said you were a little under the weather when you left. Get well soon, and remember we love you and are thinking of you.
Merry Christmas!