Sunday, December 7, 2008


**So, I finally conquered the scanner! So here are all of the pictures that Mal has sent home. Each one comes with an explanation written in true Mallory style. Enjoy! - Aubry**

"Obviously this awkward photo-op had to go down sometime right?"
Me and my comp Sorella Millis

"Yeah, I don't think there's a cool story with this. It was just at the stoplight on the way to the temple."
Sorella Crandall, Sorella Hughes, Sorella Swenson, Sorella Watson, Sorella Millis, Sorella Hansen

"Sister Missionary footwear. We thought we were artsy this day or something."

"Once again we think we are artsy. Here is our fabulous variety of mid-calf kilt material"

"Anziano Baldwin wanted to throw leaves to have them be in our picture and then he was going to duck behind us. Thankfully, this blessed picture was taken before he ducked."
These are the Sorelle in my District/Bedroom
Sorella Crandall, Sorella Swenson, Sorella Millis
Sorella Watson, ME, Sorella Hughes

"Ha, Ha, This is Anziano Graham. He just left this morning for Roma, but as you can see, he's a good time."

"The October 15th Sorelle"
Sorella Hughes, Sorella Crandall, Sorella Watson, Sorella Swenson, Sorella Millis, Sorella Hansen

"The Sorelle in my district."

"Sorella Millis frequently loses that little black book of hers & we've had to go find it many times. So I came up with the phrase 'Italian Stallion'. (O.K., we all know I stole it from Rocky) But randomly myself or one of the other Sorelle will yell, 'Italian Stallion!' and me & S.M. have to put our books in the air like this. Alls I'm saying is...she hasn't lost it since...:) "

"These are the two district older than us that left a month ago. They are SO rad!"

"My tag's dirty. I wish I could find tag cleaner."
"Okay, I just re-read that comment & sorry I'm so lame! Tag Cleaner?!?"
"Cool pic though eh?"

Sorella Hughes, Sorella Crandall, Me, Sorella Millis

Sorella Hughes, Sorella Watson, Sorella Millis

"Half way in the MTC, we celebrated with Marinelli's"
Sorella Crandall, Sorella Swenson

1 comment:

Joni said...

Those pictures are so cute and fun. Looks like ol' Mal is havin' herself a ball.