Wednesday, May 27, 2009

New Investigator, Adelle, Water and Italian Hospitality‏

I wanted you to see the saw-weet Italian street behind me but... you mostly get a close up of yours truly and a railing... sorry :)
Well, what an adventurous week it has been! To start things off, it's been getting a bit hot in these parts. These days it's hardly out of the ordinary to feel like your whole body is just a little bit sweaty. Yup, it's yummy. ha ha Though I've heard that it gets much much worse. Apparently the temperature can get up to 40 degrees Celsius. I'll be 500 percent honest with you...I have no idea what that is in Fahrenheit...but I feel like it's not Cold weather! Oh well! I suppose I'll just have to make the sweaty, ravaged look work for me. ha ha Also, along with this fabulous weather I have been noticing a little something with my feet. The other day I took my shoes off and thought, "Oh mylanta, my feet look so dirty!" Well it turns out, I just have a tan line that makes me look like I have dirty hobbit feet. ha ha There are just so many funny situations that I'm running into as a missionary. You just have to laugh because there's nothing else to do. I'm gonna take a picture of my feet someday but I want to wait because I have a feeling this is just the beginning! My toes are glowy white and then there's a clear curve tan where the top of my feet are such a pretty brown! ha ha Best of both worlds?So this week has been fabulous. We have a new investigator! Woot Woot! We love new investigators! Her name is Bonaria. She is someone that Sorella Hughes and I met when we did house two Saturdays ago and I passed back with Sorella Bjarnason and ....she let us in! What?!? It was the first time that I've ever been let in doing house. I wished my life was on film and that I could just replay that monumental moment over and over. We went downstairs and met her son (He's probably like 30 or 40) and at first I thought he was kinda cold to us. He just shook our hands and then went back in his room. Then after a little bit of us talking to Bonaria she told us that her son is shy. AH! Lightbulb! I can see how he would be shy and not mad. That's okay! We can work with that! I asked her if he'd want to come hear the lesson too, but by that time he was in the shower We ended up teaching her the Plan of Salvation (because she's had a daughter that died in a car accident I believe) and it went really well. She understands the scriptures really well. It kind of freaked me out honestly because we were teaching about Adam and Eve and she seriously just understood it perfectly. So we'll be going back to see her again this week.I finally met an investigator that we have named Adelle. I met her for the first time this week and had our first appointment yesterday. (Other sisters taught her before me but she's been out of town a lot since I've been here) Oh my stars this woman is great. She's an older woman, probably like 60 but she's so cute I would think she was like 45 or something. She's so cute and wears cute little dresses, she's kind of a sass and therefore, I just already adore her! We talked about prophets and then shared President Thomas S. Monson's Conference talk with her "Finding Joy in the Journey". Oh man, she's the best. I'm so so excited to keep working with her. The elders might have a baptism on Saturday and if so, we're going to go out there and pick her up and bring her because she's just unreal! Man, I wish you guys could meet her, I just can't describe her properly. She's just marvelous. Oh, President's Interviews are tomorrow morning which I'm excited about. I love talking to President Acerson. He's the most amazing man. And along with the joy that comes from talking to the mission president...I will also get some mail--which we all know that I don't hate. :) And then transfer calls are on Monday! This transfer has gone so fast it's crazy. I'm pretty sure that nothing's going to happen to our companionship but you never know. I'll let you know next week.OH! Another little story before I say good-bye for the week. So while we were walking to Adelle's house after the bus stop, we ran into this man who was walking from one building where he was working, to another. Anyway he just looked at us and said, "It's hot today huh?" And we said yes. And he invited us to come into the garage where he was working to have a drink of water. It was this huge open garage and he offered us some water and we talked to him and his friend a bit before our appointment. He said that his brother is a member in Milano. He was trying to tell me that his brother joined the church in the 70's but I heard him wrong, and I said, "Your brother is one of the 70?!" And then he said, "What's the 70?" I ended up understanding what he ACTUALLY said and I happened to have the Ensign in my backpack that has the pictures of the prophet, twelve, and the seventy so I showed him the pictures and we had a good laugh about the whole misunderstanding. ha ha One day I will understand this language, but until then...plenty of good time misunderstandings. ha ha Ah..yes. How nice are Italian people by-the-way, that they just offered us water and they don't even know us? I thanked them, gave them a pamphlet (after our church chat) and we're gonna try to return and talk to them again.Welp, that's all for this week. I hope every body's doing so good and are having a fabulous summer so far. I love you and pray that you're happy and just having the best day, everyday. Italian love, Sorella Mal


Amberly said...

sister mal, your comp is the luckiest girlie alive. you sound like such a blast to be with. you have such a postive, radiant energy and I can just see you spreading the sunshine all over italia! keep it up, lady!

Lorenzo said...

Ciao, sono Lorenzo e sono un fiorentino, ho 28 anni.
Il 28 Maggio alle 17:20 circa ero in treno verso Firenze, ho preso il treno a Prato e appena montato su, ho camminato per raggiungere un posto libero, quando d'un tratto mi sono arrestato perchè colto dallo splendore di una donna di una bellezza incantevole tanto è vero da farmi pensare che stessi sognando e anche il sogno non poteva essere vero, ogni tentativo di spiegarne la bellezza risulterebbe vano, vestita con una camicia bianca e una gonna blu aveva una piccola e semplice perla bianca che ne ridisegnava il candore dei lineamenti.
Giunti a Firenze SMN sono sceso dal treno e dopo aver ricevuto uno splendido sorriso da questa incantevole creatura, la mia vista, forse perchè accecata da così tanta bellezza si è abbassata un poco e ho letto una scritta su di un cartellino attaccato al suo vestito che diceva "Sorella Millis" ho scolpito e ripetuto quel nome mille e mille volte nella mia mente come un mantra indiano; una volta scesi ho volutamente perso il treno che avrei dovuto prendere, ma ahimè ho perso anche di vista lei.

Queste, forse, sarebbero potute essere le parole di un poeta di qualche anno fa, ma nella mia mente, anzi dal mio cuore non poteva uscire niente di più attuale.
Non credo davvero in vita mia di aver visto un essere umano così, a dir poco, bello.
Ho provato su google "Sorella Millis" e voilà sono giunto su questo grazioso blog che mi sono letto finora, pieno tra l'altro di fotografie molto gustose e accattivanti.
Scrivo qui con la massima umiltà di poter essere messo in contatto con la Sorella Millis anche solo per esprimere, anche se solo forse con un goffo inglese il sentimento che provo per lei.
Io nell'Amore ci credo.
Oltretutto data la mia seppur umile conoscenza della Toscana sarei molto lieto di offrirla mostrando a Lei, a l'altra sorella che le faceva compagnia, sul treno e alle altre persone del suo gruppo, anche altre piccole carinerie forse meno famose e rinomate ma non di meno affascinanti e commoventi di queste terre.
Spero la sorella Millis si ricordi di me: sono quel ragazzo che era praticamente di fronte a lei nella fila parallela, un po' di barba, capelli alle spalle, giacchetta verde sopra una camicia a quadri (data la temperatura glaciale dell'aria condizionata!)
Fornirò mio contatto telefonico e tutto quello che sarà necessario, mi sembrava più discreto non farlo pubblicamente per ora.
Sarebbe un immenso dispiacere se tutto cadesse nel vuoto.

Thank you for existing Sorella Millis


The Hansen's said...

Comments have been sent.

Lorenzo said...

Excuse me If my post was in italian, but I don't know very well english language (sorry), but I hope anyway my post is understood. You know that the language of love is international, or better, really universal.
I don't know how address my words for contact Sorella Millis.
How could I contact Sorella Millis?
Every day when I get up I think of her and I ask me "if in that day, she was real or only a dream".

I don't know what I have to do, I do not want lose this time for declare my one's real love for her, I feel this love in deep of my heart, please understand me.

My email is
my mobile phone is
331 5248217
I don't care if now, writing my address and my number phone in public in the net, means receive a lot of spam to my email and phone, it is not a problem for me, the only important thing that counts is contact Sorella Millis.

Best Regards,

The Hansen's said...

Lorenzo, I'm sorry but I don't have any way to contact sorella Millis.

Lorenzo said...

Thank you for the answer.
But excuse me, you said: "Comments have been sent."
If you send at Sorella Mal, in SORELLA HANSEN'S COMPANIONS there is sorella Millis, if you contact sorella Mal giving her my phone (3315248217), I would contact her so she knows about sorella Millis.
Please for me it is very important to express my one's feelings telling her.
I cannot express how grateful I am to you if I will only tell her my one's feelings pure, genuine, authentic.

Thank you in advance, I will free from you from debt.


The Hansen's said...

You are correct, I did send your comments to Sorella Hansen, however it is her choice to send them to Sorella Millis. You could send a letter to Sorella Millis using the address at the top of this blog. All missionary mail must go through the mission home, that is the proper way to do things. Peace to you as well.

The Hansen's said...

If you do send a letter, send it to Sorella Mills at that address, NOT sorella Hansen