Thursday, April 15, 2010

Two Birds with One Stone, Meetin' our boy Gaetano, Last Zone Conference!?

Well Buon to the Giorno guys!
What a busy and crazy week. Last week for p-day we went to this never disappointing museum called Villa Borghese. (If I spelled that wrong, try not to judge me for being illiterate). It was gorgeous. There were so many breath-taking sculptures that I'd heard about and just seeing them in person was okay by me. I'm hardly an art guru but I can enjoy myself staring at a beautiful statue for a bit. Mmm Mmm...
Well there is just tons to tell. We did a little bit of my favorite finding. The ol' "Best Referral Ever" finding. Ah, it just makes me so happy doing it. So we said our prayer over the map and got 2 streets in common. We were headed to our first street and on the way there, there were 2 women and a little girl waiting at the bus stop who stopped us and asked what time it was. As we told them, one of the women was eyeing the Book of Mormon that my companion had in her hands. We found out that these women are from California and have been here for 2 months. Anywho, the rad part is that one of the women had lived in Utah for a bit and was starting to take the missionary discussions when they ended up moving to Rome--it happened really quick. She told us that she has been looking for the church here and wants to finish taking the discussions. We just bore our testimonies to her about how we know that she is so important and that God loves her. We told her that we'd prayed to know where to go and that God had led us to her. She knew that it was true and started crying. Oh my stars it was just beautiful. We gave all of them big hugs. BAH! I loved that moment because we were an answer to each others prayers. We were looking for people who want the gospel and will accept it. She was looking for our church. God just up and answered two prayers in one! I sometimes wonder if He smiles and feels proud of Himself when He does stuff like that.
Then on our second street we decided to mix things up a little bit doing house (because it can be a doozy if you don't think of a way to make it different) So...we decided at the doors, since we already knew that we were supposed to be there, that we'd just say, "Are you looking for the truth?" And if they said 'no', then it wasn't them that God sent us to. Nice right? So we did a couple of floors and we got to this 30 something year old guy and he told us 'yes'. Honestly, we had almost gone home for lunch and language study (because it was time) but both of us felt that we needed to finish the street and do the very last palazzo. Welp, his name is Gaetano. We set a return appointment with him and brought a member. We just taught him the first lesson but he loved it and will be coming to church and the baptism on Saturday.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that we have a baptism on Saturday. It's a woman that they were working with before I got here but I've been able to help with her for a couple of weeks now and it's been really sweet. She has had some rough, "Satan is a jerk-face and is trying to rock my boat" moments in the past weeks so we've been working on keeping her strong. She's wonderful. I love her more and more every time we see her. Her name's Fernanda and she'll get baptized Saturday. Good times!!!
Also our awkward training at Zone Conference went a-okay. It was funny because when they announced that sister missionaries would be giving a training, everyone was kind of surprised. Sisters haven't ever given trainings at zone conference. It was a pretty cool experience I suppose. We just talked about working better with the members. I think that it went pretty well and that they got some new ideas. The worst part of the whole Zone Conference ordeal was the fact that I had to give my "dying testimony". Yuck. The cool part was that Sorella Swenson and Sorella Crandall are both in my zone so I got to hear theirs too. I love them. Anyway it was completely surreal and 100 percent awkward. I'd been so preoccupied with other things that I hadn't even thought about it. Pretty much it consisted of me shakin, kinda crying, and then sitting down afterwards. ha ha Nah, it went fine but I just felt that it was all too surreal. ANWAY, I gots to go because this e-mail is lengthy to say the least. I hope that everybody is of jolly good health and having a marvelous April. P.S. Why is it already April?! Welp, read your scriptures everyday because it turns out their completely wonderful and will change you life. Seriously, try it. And in closing, if you haven't read "pray always" by Anziano Bednar should give it a glance. He gave that talk in October 2008. I read it this morning and it completely rocked my socks. I love prayer. Anywho, be good examples and be happy because l love you.
Sorella Hansen

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