Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Valentine's Day, Diana, Zone Conference‏

Well Hi-dee-ho fam and friends!I hope everyone had a fabulous Valentine's Day! Some of us missionaries were cutting out some red and pink hearts so we could go visit our investigators and some members for the big day. I officially decided that I just wasn't made for love when all of my hearts turned out looking like Santa hats. What a joke eh? But the next day I got flowers...aaaand that's been taken care of. :)We have an appointment every Wednesday night with our investigator named Diana. Well we had our ward missionary leader there who was a HUGE help to the lesson and she set a baptismal date for March 1st! I'm so excited for her, but at the same time I'm kinda stressed out and worried because this is when challenges and problems come hard core for investigators. So we're calling her everyday and we have another appointment with her tonight. She's so sweet and I just love her. We taught the lesson about having faith and prayers. We were trying to help her understand what faith is and how it's a principle of action. My companion set me up to tell my shpeel on how I decided to come on a mission and I really think that it helped her. What probably didn't help her, however, is how I was weeping like an infant during the story. Okay...that was over exaggerated--one glistening tear! We originally set the date for Sunday February 29th...only to find out that there is no such apparently it's gonna be March 1st. She really is an awesome woman. She has such good intentions to not make mistakes--it's amazing to me. She has investigated other churches and she told us that she really feels something different with our church; and when she's with us. I'm so excited to keep teaching her and watching her grow in the church. So rad!We had Zone conference this last week and it was mind blowingly wonderful! I wish we could have zone conference every week. Our assistants are so amazing. And I think every single talk/training (by the assistants, President, and Sister Acerson) were exactly what I needed to hear. Not joking, during the meeting I remember thinking, "Okay guys, why don't you just excuse everyone and let me have it because we all know that you're talking to me." ha ha Thankfully many other people felt like it was just what they needed to hear also. I just left wanting to be 203% better. It was amazing!Well ,I don't know what more to tell...OH hows about how stoked I am that I'm an auntie! I want to see pictures if you can send them of the little guy. Every now and then when I would be doing something I'd realize that maybe my sister was having a baby! Ah! I don't know if that makes me an unfocused missionary. know. ha ha But we were at a dinner on Monday night with a family in the ward and for some reason the conversation got to the mother of the house's birthday. I think I said something awkward like, "Hey, speaking of birthdays, I think my sister's having a baby sometime this week." ha ha It just makes me laugh now because that had potential to be an extremely random subject change, and went over just fine. ha ha Well every thing's going forward. Everyday has its challenges and funny moments. Thanks for all of your love and support. And as always, I'm shipping some special Valentine's day/Italian love your way. Missionary kisses! Sorella Mallory Hansen

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