Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Birthday, Devil's Saddle, Mostra‏

Buongiorno!!Hey guys! So this week was fantastic actually! I have met more investigators and members and I have been feeling a lot better about the whole city change thing. I am much more used to the city and love it more and more everyday.Last Wednesday we had an appointment with an investigator who is 14 and she is fantastic. It's just her and her dad at the house so we had to sit outside when we taught her but it went really well. We showed each other our pictures. Sorella Bjarnason and I showed our pictures of home and of our friends and stuff and then she went and got her pictures and showed us. It was fun and I think we've got a better relationship now.On Saturday we went to do some service in the morning at an inactive members house. We did a little weeding. It was actually pretty fun. It's nice to do some service like that from time to time. It's just tranquil and I love having time to just think. Also, it was my birthday! Woot woot! the big double 2! It's funny because holidays and birthdays just obviously aren't the same as they've been all growing up but they're fun in their own missionary way. :) After doing service we went and worked with another inactive member for a little bit. And my companion is actually so sweet and wrote little notes all over the apartment (while I was in the shower I guess) just saying happy birthday and stuff. It was really sweet of her. And then on Monday the Elders brought me a cake to our district meeting and sang. It was so thoughtful. It was my first birthday away from home but it was a good time. And actually while we were weeding in the morning, we got a text from our 14 year old investigator (that we had seen on Wednesday) and it just said happy birthday. I didn't even remember telling her that it was my birthday but it was actually so cute of her.This morning we woke up at the ripe ol' hour of 5:00 am so we could do some hikin'! We met up with the elders and hiked up to a park high up in the city and watched the sun rise while we did our morning studies. It was so beautiful! Then we met up with a couple of members and investigators to go on a hike! It's called "Devil's Saddle". It's supposedly where they say Satan fell from heaven or something. It was a way fun hike. I actually love hiking around. It just reminds me of family vaca memories. It was really fun. Oh mamma it's so hot though. I'm afraid that I'm going to be a pretty color of red tomorrow because I have yet to invest in sun screen. It's on my to-do list! AND...we kinda got lost on our way coming down the we took a harder trail that took twice as long. But I really can't complain. In moments like that I just have to think "hey ya know what? Sure it's hot and we're lost but come on! I'm on an island off of Italy. It's beautiful and...I would be an idiot to complain". And by-the-way, the coast was BEAUTIFUL! I probably took like 200 pictures of the same coast and lighthouse but whatever! I will not apologize for it!I've just been thinking, it's been a year ago this week that I decided...slash...discovered, that I needed to go on a mission. It's just so crazy to think about how much my life has changed in a year. Just thinking that a year ago, I had NO CLUE that I'd be serving a mission, going to Italy or even that this Island of Sardegna existed. But now I'm here. I'm a missionary and this is my home. It doesn't cease to blow my mind. I'm sure everyone's lives change from year to year but this is one of the first that have been this drastic for me. Unplanned. But I really can't complain. I mean...I'm sure if I wanted to complain...I could come up with some things but in all honesty I just feel very blessed. Missions are hard. My friends and family weren't lying when they told me this. Yup, it's hard. That's no new news, but it's also just an incredible opportunity. I've met so many amazing people and have come to appreciate so many things that I certainly took for granted. I'm so blessed to be a member of the church. I'm very very blessed to have my family who are members of the church, who love me and support me. I'm very blessed to get to serve these amazing people. I truly love the Italian people. I love talking to them on the bus, I love trying to speak their gorgeous language that I botch to the max, and I love learning about their culture and trying to understand why they do things the way that they do. So...I dunno, I've just been thinking about certain situations that are hard or trying how to handle or adapt to things that are difficult and it just made me reflect on something that my mission president told me in our first interview. He just told me to be positive. (I know, it wasn't as profound as your were expecting. Nothing unheard of, that is) But it's true, when you want to see the good and beautiful things in your life--if you look for them, then you see them. It's the coolest thing. Sorry this is so random and scatter brained, but end of the day, it's something that I've been trying to work on ever since I went to France and has been something really fun for me. I just love taking crappy situations that come, and find something funny or something cool about the situation. It's my favorite actually because we can't decide what things happen to us, but we can decide how we feel about it and what we do about it. Anyway, this was random, I hope you all continue to love me after this little diddy. :)Ooo! One more thing! WE did my first mostra on Sunday! I'm sure I've talked about Zone Singing before, but mostra is different. Mostra is where we set up a "display" and then we go stop people on the street and try to get them to come look at the display and let us explain a little bit about the church. Well I noticed a man sitting a little ways off but from time to time he looked over at us and I just kept thinking "somebody's gotta go talk to that guy". There were a lot of people in this palazza. But I just kept looking at that guy and was driving myself crazy so I went and just sat by him and we talked for like 45 minutes. It was way cool actually. He used to take the lessons from us before I guess. His name's Giuliano and he was great. He's coming to church on Sunday and we exchanged phone numbers. I'm really excited to work with him. I know this goes against everything that we teach children these days but...I love talking to strangers! Don't tell the elementary school children, but I really do! I think it's so underrated. If you guys don't do should give it a try. It's pretty fun and who knows, you might met a new friend or something.Anywho, I have written more then necessary this week. I hope you're all healthy and happy and know that Sorella Mally is thinking of you on this little Island and is sending TONS of Sardegnian love your way!! Sorella Hansen

Ooo! Fun Fact: I'm actually closer to Africa in this city then I am to the mainland of Italy. Who woulda thought eh?

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