Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Our work: Walter, "My friend, the Atheist"

Well hi-dee-ho Welp, I can talk about the work here in one word: Walter. ha ha We've been working a lot with him. He doesn't work for the month of August so we've been meeting with him or at least talking to him every day. It's nuts. It's hard to meet with our other investigators even just once a week! But it's been really cool. We taught him the Plan of Salvation. I'd drawn it out all pretty on the white board in church. And at the end of the lesson I had the thought "did he understand this? Was it super clear?" We'd asked questions along the way and everything's a lot to take in! Well, right after that thought passed through my mind, he stood up and said, "let's see..." so he grabbed the whiteboard marker and stood by the whiteboard and re-capped the whole second lesson for us! I'm not even joking, he pretty much just re-taught everything! It was nuts! I was less worried about his comprehension at that point. We read the scriptures with him in the park another day which was really cool. And then we've also taught him the gospel of Jesus Christ. We asked him to pray about being baptised on August 22nd. He acted like it was really fast but he said he'd pray about it. Well, in the end it seems like we'll have to push it back, but he really is doing great. We gave him a copy of the Restoration film and he says that he's watched it like 5 or 6 times. He said that he really relates to Joseph Smith. And he believes that Joseph Smith saw God and Jesus Christ.Last night before English class we started teaching him some commandments. We taught him Pray Often, Word of Wisdom, and the Law of Chastity. Yup, we thought we'd hit up a couple of doozies and get to some of the rules that might be harder. Anyway, it went surprisingly well. OH rad news! (I'll get back to this lesson with him later) We had a branch party on Saturday and Walter came with his cousin. Saturday was also Walters birthday. I mentioned the Word of Wisdom to him one of the times that we've talked at Mostra, but I hadn't committed him to it or anything. Well he talked to me at the branch party and said, "I have to tell you something. Today for my birthday I went out to lunch with a bunch of my friends. There was every kind of alcohol imaginable. ....and I didn't drink any of it." I was so happy! Can you believe that?!? So we taught him the Word of Wisdom and he said it's gonna be hard for him to give up his cappuccino but I said, "Well, we just taught you about prayer! Whenever you feel tempted, you can pray for strength and help. And if you ever want a cappuccino, then just call us and we'll talk you out of it!" ha ha Pretty much it's all a go. Even our "doozy" commandments weren't worth a sweat for Walter. How great is he? I'll tell ya, Pretty fabulous! Also we did Mostra on Sunday. I like to call this night: "My friend,the Atheist." I talked to Walter for a little bit and then he went to talk to someone in French about the gospel (yeah, did I mention that he's wonderful...he's not even a member but he helped the other missionaries talk to someone in French about the gospel because they couldn't speak French) and so I looked for someone to talk to and I started talking to this man that was kind of close to me. I glanced over at my companion and she gave me kind of a nauseated look. All from that glance I realized something. The last time that we did Mostra there, she left not quite herself. Apparently she had a really bad conversation with someone. I realized from the look on her face, that she had talked to the man that I was currently talking with. I think it gave me a little more determination because he made my companion feel bad. I got a little taste of his personality when one of the first things he said to me was (and he was speaking English) "I've got news for you. One, God doesn't exist. And two, we don't need God." After he said that I just sat there for a second with a look on my face like, You JUST said that. Really? Okay buddy. He asked me if my parents raised me to believe that there's a God. He said that that's brainwashing and that we shouldn't tell children things like that because they don't know any better. I lovingly shut him down and said that yes my parents raised me to be a member, but the reason that I'm still a member is because I decided. He continued to talk about how it's brainwashing to teach children about God. I said, "Well my parents also told me that there was a Santa Clause and I figured that one out all by myself. Our parents can teach us what they want and then when we grow up, we decide." He quit. So, then he decided to tell me what I was doing here. He said that I'm here in Italy to tell everyone that they're wrong and that I'm right. I said, "I would be more then happy to tell you why I'm ACTUALLY here. I don't look at everyone as being wrong. On the contrary, I look at everyone as being important enough, to deserve to know the truth. I'm here to share what I have." He said, "So why are you talking to me?" and I said, "Because you're important and you deserve the opportunity to accept the truth." and he laughed and said, "You'll never convert me." and I said, "You have made that very clear. But I wanted to at least give you the chance. I hope you have a great night." We shook hands and he smiled before he walked away. It was interesting the feeling that I had after talking to him. I tried to handle the situation with love...but at the same time...not taking his crap or letting him say things that aren't true. Instead of weakening my faith, I just walked away feeling so grateful for the gospel and for my testimony. Well; I have president Interviews today and then in about 2 weeks is transfers! Crazy. I really hope that I stay here. I love it here and I have learned so much in this city. I'm so grateful for the opportunity to serve. It's all worth it. Keep reading your scriptures, praying, and remember to love you lives and all the people in it! La Vita e bella! Love from Cagliari,
Sorella Mal

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