Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Earthquakes, French bust, new Investigator‏

First Day in Italy. President got us all our first pizza.

First night in Italy at the Colosseum.

Hey there you guys~I wasn't sure if you guys had heard but uh...I've learned a new word: Un terremoto--earthquake. The city of L'Aquila had a 6 Richter scale earthquake Monday morning. That city is like an hour away from me. Anywho, the Ladispoli sisters were sleeping at our apartment that night and about 3:40 a.m. we all got woken up to shaking. It was such a surreal experience. I think it was worse for us because we live on a high floor but it was so crazy. My companion describes it as being in a washing machine. It was so weird. I was too tired to be my regular panicky self. It shook for about a minute. When it woke me up, I was so out of it but asked Sorella Marangoni (who was in the bedroom with me) "Is this an earthquake?" and she was just like, "I dunno, it's probably the second coming." and then she just continued laying in bed. ha ha WHAT?!? I just sat in my bed not really knowing what in the world was going on. Anywho, don't worry. Every thing's fine. I'm so so glad that our missionaries in L'Aquila are safe. Anizano Brock was in L'Aquila (Anziano Herrick's trainer) and he's the best. We didn't know anything until the morning that it happened in L'Aquila. But we said a prayer and just feel like every thing's going to be okay. From what I've heard it did some serious damage to L'Aquila. All of our members are okay, but many have lost their homes. And last I heard over 150 people have died. The next morning as part of my studies I read a talk about the 10 virgins. ha ha So there's the update, any more then that and you guys probably know better then I do. I can't read the newspaper or anything as a missionary so...there's what happened.We found a new investigator this week. His name's Francesco. He's like...I dunno...60 or something. We were going around with our new convert Rosita helping her at the hospital and stuff and I made eye contact with this man and thought that I should talk to him. Well he ended up coming up to us and asked us who we were and stuff. We're teaching him English and the gospel. He's great. But we might have to give him to the elders. I think I must be a selfish person but I have a hard time giving our investigators to the elders. It's hard to "Pass them along" when you had a cool experience finding them. So we'll see what happens. If it's better for the investigator then that's what we'll do.In other news, I now know for sure that my French is a complete joke. The other day a guy started talking to me and he only spoke French. ha ha Oh my stars, I almost wish I could go back and see what I looked like trying to talk to him. It was brutality. BUT, I was able to talk to him a little bit and explain to him who we were and get his phone number....for the elders. :) Although I don't know what they're going to do with him because none of them speak french. We'll see. I bought a picture dictionary that has everything labeled with Italian AND french words. I don't run into French speakers all that often but when I do it's the most awkward slap to the face at how awesome I am NOT at that language. Anywhoodle, everything else is going good. Thankfully there's no down time to think about the whole earthquake thing. We're too busy and my imaginative mind is grateful that I don't have time to think about the earthquake jazz. We were in the metro yesterday night heading home and my companion said she overheard someone say there was another earthquake 5 minutes ago in L'Aquila and she was kinda freakin' out that we were going to feel it while we were in the metro so we just got out and walked home. It is an adventure to say the least!Thanks for your love and concern. I love you guys and pray that you're all happy and safe. Take care of yourselves. Kisses from shaky, quaky, Italy,
Sorella Hansen

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