Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Investigators at a baptism, Michela, and....transfers....

Hey guys~
You guessed it, this week completely blew my mind with all of the surprises that we had. But before I have a panic attack and tell you about transfers....I'll tell you about earlier in the week first k? So on Friday we do our planning for the whole next week. I had been thinking about Michela. She's the woman that I met on the bus that came over to me because I smiled at her. Well, we taught her a first lesson that she seemed to really enjoy but then kind backed off and we haven't been able to see her since. I called her on Friday and invited her to the baptism (an investigator of the Ladispoli sisters) the next day. She didn't want to give me a yes or no answer.Saturday morning we went out a ways to pick up a boy named Davide. We've been teaching him English and his mom is interested in the church. She has to stay at home all day taking care of an elderly lady so when we went to the house we taught a little English and then the first lesson. They both really liked it and Davide was so excited to have his very own Book of Mormon. (He's like 13?) Anyway it was rad. Well, since Gloria can't leave the house, her sister AND friend wanted to come with us and Davide to watch this baptism. 3 investigators at a baptism?'d be stupid to say no! So we were riding the bus to the baptism and the elders kept calling us to see where we were at. (we were a tad bit late) And we discovered that they were calling because Michela had showed up to the baptism and was asking for me!! She came!! So we had four little investigators at Francesca's baptism and it was way cool. I've never had investigators at a baptism before but I'm so glad that they could all come because there's an amazing spirit at baptisms. Davide, Morella (Gloria's sister), and Carolina (the friend) all really enjoyed the baptism. It was a really cool day.To make it even better, guess who showed up to sacrament meeting the next day? Michela herself!! I seriously think my mind almost exploded! I sat by her during the meeting and she kept telling me that she loved what she was hearing and felt really good there. I felt so relieved. It was a great Sunday.
SO......TRANSFERS! Sunday night I really wasn't too worried about transfers because I figured I'd have one more transfer with my Follow-up trainer Sorella Barbiere. (After-all this is only our first transfer together). I just wasn't that worried. BUT, at the same time, there's a part of me that's been feeling like I'm done here in Rome. That there's not more for me to do.Well, we had our normal weekly meeting as a district on Monday morning but we all knew that sometime during the meeting President was going to call. We put all of our phones on the table in the middle of the circle and all nervously glanced at them every now and then, just anticipating his call. rang. It's tradition that while you're talking to president on the phone that you don't say the name of the city or companion out loud because after every one's talked to president, THEN we tell each other where we're going. My companion got the phone before me. I figured that I could pay attention to the little things that she'd say and be able to judge if we're gonna be together for another one. She was kinda quiet on the phone and then she said, "Okay....perche?" And everyone in the circle made noises because we assumed that means that she's training. One of the elders looked at me and said, "Sorella Hansen, that means you're leaving." I just sat there for a second to let it sink in and just shared my only thoughts at the time, "holy crap...." Well, the phone was passed to me and here's the news: I'm going to the city called Cagliari. It's on the island of Sardegna!!! Can I just echo my words from Monday, "Holy crap!" And my companion's name is Sorella Bjarnson. She's from the district older then me in the MTC. And apparently I'm senior companion. Holy Crap! (P.S. Sorry if I have elderly relatives reading this who are appalled by my word usage.) Yeah, I don't really know how I feel. I'm SUPER excited to go to the island to serve. I've wanted to serve on the island ever since I opened my call and saw the island on the map! I'm really so excited. I can't wait for a new city and new work and just a new start. I really think that it's going to be great. But I'm also stressed because my companion and I are both really young in the mission. But it's okay. Hopefully that just means that we're really excited to work and aren't "too tired" or trunky. I leave tomorrow morning to go to the train station and I'll take an overnight boat to the island followed by another train or two. It's gonna be crazy but I'm excited.
The island of Sardegna
Here's where she's headed.

View of Cagliari City

A port near Cagliari
I love you guys very much. I hope you're all healthy and happy and loving your lives wherever you're at. Remember that the church is, in fact, the truest of the truth. It's amazing. And know that there's a blond missionary that will shortly be tromping around an island in Italia, preaching the word, who loves you all very very much. Italian Kisses! Sorella Hansen

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